
[This post is labeled בבל, meaning it's especially experimental. See: בבל disclaimer]

Who shares bread generously
   the hand that takes will set his silos on fire
Who teaches himself discipline so that he may be a reliable ally
   will be led by instructions into the desert and left to die
Who gathers fruit
   will be infected by what festers in his cellar
Who becomes strong
   he will be yoked
Who refuses ill-given power
   will meet closed ears and averted eyes
Who builds a house for another
   through the window he will hear flogged cries of slaves kidnapped by the one newly afforded shelter
Who inspires others to join in a promising adventure
   his ship will be set upon and stolen in the far open ocean by ghosts
Who changes his rules in order to not throw good money after bad
   will be scorned as a glossolaliac
Who explains his thoughts so that his heart may be read
   he will be cut open and his flesh will be eaten from out of him with fork and knife
Who prays for a gold ring to hold his care for the one he cares with
   his prayer will be heard and answered with a winking traveller selling pyrite
Who studies the law
   will be sued by bail jumpers
Who acts according to symmetries in order to live in the world together
   will be raped to death in a hall of mirrors
Who lights a candle in the dark
   the soot will sting and blind his eyes and it will choke him in his effort to blow the candle out
Who loves his enemy enough to find common depths
   his enemy will reach up from within his depths through his own hand and wields his knife so that he strikes himself down
Who collects water to save for dry months
   will be drowned in the cistern
Who profits selling desirable goods at the market
   will be followed home by robbers
Who grows olives
   will feed the empire
Who creates a flavor
   will be spat out
Who sings hope
   will make his song be noticed as a buzzing noise and make it be cancelled and blotted out and make its memory be buried
Who pulls his cart vigorously
   will finish wearing out the axle far from town
Who abstains from intoxication
   will be beaten by an intoxicated mob
Who removes his shoes when entering a place of worship
   his feet will be putrefied and rotted off by scum brought along on other boots
Who lays down his sword
   is stabbed
Who rips a page from his book as a gift to each one who professes to wish for learning
   sees all the pages of his book turned to ash in brief flames for passing amusement